


Archive for Posts Tagged ‘CSP’

The problem with the ordinary is that it is, well, so ordinary.



The problem with the ordinary is that it is, well, so ordinary.

It’s hard to see the big picture while living in a world filled with small thinking people. We tend to start projects with high goals, but somehow drift into the weeds of life, making it difficult to remember what’s most important. Take the story of Orville and Wilbur Wright who made their first airplane flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina on December 17, 1903. On…

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How to Kill Conflict…“Nip It In the Bud!”



How to Kill Conflict…“Nip It In the Bud!”

To quote the great 20th-century philosopher, Mayberry’s Deputy Barney Fife, one of the best ways to avoid consequences is to do the right thing in the first place and simply, “Nip it in the bud!” Succinctly put, conflict often happens because people tend to be gutless. I’ve heard it said, “If you want to have less conflict, have more of it.” I think that’s profound….

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Want to Resolve a Conflict? Here are 4 Things Not to Do.



Want to Resolve a Conflict? Here are 4 Things Not to Do.

The only thing worse than a conflict is an even worse conflict. Here are four ideas from my bestseller, ReTooled & ReFueled, which you might find helpful. Picking the wrong time and place. Little good is accomplished when we are tired, stressed, ill, or focused on too many other issues. Sometimes the best thing to do is schedule an exact time for discussing a conflict….

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Remember: There’s Always Only One Best Way to Do Anything



Remember: There’s Always Only One Best Way to Do Anything

Success is not determined by our hardware — it is usually determined by the software that we’re running. Most people have perfectly capable hardware…normal intelligence and decent health. The difference between winners and losers is in the software they run. By software, I’m referring to the things we tell ourselves, the way we choose to look at the world around us, our internal motivation, and…

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