


Archive for Posts Tagged ‘leadership’

Listening: The Successful Leader’s Magic Bullet



Listening: The Successful Leader’s Magic Bullet

I still remember the night. It was in the early morning hours, probably around 3:00 a.m., in August 1974. I was involved in the Nashville record scene and had received word that Elvis was in town for one of his clandestine middle-of-the-night recording sessions. So I slipped by RCA Studio B and arranged to be there when Elvis ended the session. As he walked out,…

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Beware of the Credit Card Minimum Payment Trap



Beware of the Credit Card Minimum Payment Trap

When it comes to credit cards—there’s an important topic to consider: beware of the minimum payment trap. Millions of Americans think they’re doing just fine as long as they make the minimum payment each month. But, believe me, if that’s all you’re paying you’ve already got one foot in the financial grave and the other on a banana peel! Credit card companies love people who…

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Mentor Characteristics Enhance Great Leadership



Mentor Characteristics Enhance Great Leadership

Which type of leader are you? As I discussed in my book, ReTooled & ReFueled, there are essentially two leadership models. The first is power-driven leadership. This is where a person with power leads through fear and intimidation. At its worst, this is a slave master who abuses a slave. More often today, it’s a boss who is more focused on his own career than…

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Long-Term Success in Leadership…It’s All So Counterintuitive



Long-Term Success in Leadership…It’s All So Counterintuitive

The earmark of contemporary Western culture is an unmitigated drive for instant gratification. That’s why we drive cars we can’t afford with money we don’t have to impress people at traffic lights we don’t know. We routinely see CEOs running up stock prices by doing things that will hurt their companies in the long-term. But there are, as there always have been, a relatively small…

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Long-term Focus…What Life Has Taught Me About Leadership Success



Long-term Focus…What Life Has Taught Me About Leadership Success

One of the most important lessons in success that I’ve learned is the need to focus on the long-term rather than the short term. Every failure in my life has been because of short-term thinking. This may be true for you, too. It is for most people. But, a person might say, “No, that business failed because its biggest client pulled out.” Yes, that may…

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Counterintuitive…Go for the Long-term…Do What You Don’t Want to Do



Counterintuitive…Go for the Long-term…Do What You Don’t Want to Do

FACT: Successful Leadership is a most counterintuitive commodity. I first noticed a forlorn-looking office building on Nashville’s world famous Music Row in late 1981 with our country still deep in an economic recession. Our business was still young, and so was I—just 29. Money was tight. But, at a glance, I saw what could be done with this property. So, I inquired and found that…

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An Important Leadership Puzzle Piece: Become Quick to Forgive



An Important Leadership Puzzle Piece: Become Quick to Forgive

With whom are you angry? Yes, that’s the question. Right this minute, who are you mad at? Who do you need to forgive? Is it your business partner who expects you to do the grunt work while he shows up for the rewards? What about the person you helped with a project who got the position you were vying for? Is it a colleague who…

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Three Critical Considerations for the Fast-Forward Leader



Three Critical Considerations for the Fast-Forward Leader

I’m known as the Fast-Forward Leadership guy. Each year I speak to audiences over 100 times…many on the topic of the Principles of Principled Leadership. Below are three critical considerations for any of us who presume to lead others. 1) FACT: Most people focus on their weaknesses. Successful people play to their strengths. This doesn’t mean we ignore those weaknesses forever. Quite the contrary. Instead…

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Wisdom of the Ages…for the Nasty Now & Now



Wisdom of the Ages…for the Nasty Now & Now

“There is nothing new under the sun.” If he had never made another statement, this comment would have proven Solomon’s wisdom. Each generation goes to great lengths to convince itself that their generation is the worst and most depraved one yet. But the fact is human nature is pretty predictable. Conflict among humans has been around as long as there have been humans. In frontier…

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The Scary Flight Attendant…and What We Learned Together



The Scary Flight Attendant…and What We Learned Together

As you may know, I am a professional speaker. Each year I travel nationally and abroad and speak about 150 times. Bottom-line: I fly a lot…about 100 flights annually. So, it doesn’t take me long to size up a flight attendant’s mood. This is an important skill because the flight attendant’s mood is a good predictor of how enjoyable the flight will be. Recently I…

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